The Aidoni grenadilla barrel is the result of a long and meticulous process of experimentation.
XB bore same bore for A and Bb for Tradition and Legende
A body of grenadilla wood
An internal plastic tube. The bore is factory-milled to the highest possible precision.
The bore is of a reverse tapered type.
A thin brass ring is fixed around the lower end of the plastic tube to keep the sound more focused and to add stability.
Because of the plactic tube the intonation is more reliable and consistent over all registers than with a wooden barrel.
The bore reaches a warm temperature more quickly than a wooden barrel – useful when quick changes between clarinets are required.
The material is not affected by moisture or temperature changes – the dimensions of the bore remain constant.
The sensation is exactly that of playing on a wooden barrel.
All parts are made in Sweden.
The Aidoni grenadilla barrel is the result of a long and meticulous process of experimentation.
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