Buffet Chadash A

The Buffet Chadash clarinet barrel uses an Inverse taper conical bore developed by Guy Chadash. Designed to improve intonation, tone focus and sharpness in throat tones for the modern Buffet professional clarinets. Silver-plated rings and an unstained African blackwood body.

Compared to the Moennig, the Chadash is slightly less open allowing for easier control and response for most players and more versatile maintaining a delicate balance between power & control.

  • Reverse Tapered Bore
  • Enhances the 12th interval tuning relationship to the fundamental
  • Very gradually tapered bore
  • Improves legato and holds the sound
  • Double reaming process
  • Improves accuracy of bore concentricity
  • Polished bore
  • Creates a clean, focused sound that doesn’t thin out as you go up the third and fifth partials



The Chadash clarinet barrel is produced and *distributed by  the  Buffet Crampon company.  The barrel, made from hand-selected unstained Dalbergia wood, is of the highest quality that Buffet has in their stocks in Paris. The Chadash barrel is a reverse tapered cone bore similar to the “Moennig” barrel but with a very slow progression of the taper. The boring process for each barrel is done with a single-edged French-style reamer  that involves two different passes with the borer followed by the polishing of the bore.Key Features and Benefit

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