Pearl Fløjte PF 665RE Sterlingsølv Hovedstykke

Key Of: C
Lip Material: Sterling Silver
Head Material: Sterling Silver
Body Material: Nickel Silver
Plating: Silver Plated
Foot Joint: C Foot
Key System: Offset G/Split E Mechanism
Key Types: Open
Included Accessories: Case, cover, polishing cloth, and cleaning rod

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Pearl’s exclusive mechanism
In 1972, Pearl’s innovative technicians created the patented One-Piece Core-Bar and Pinless Construction, and Pearl’s continually smooth key-action became a reality. Since that time, Pearl is still the only flute manufacturer to apply these features on every flute made.Pearl_Core_Bar
French Pointed Arms
Every Pearl Flute from the novice model to our Professional line, has French Pointed arms – an industry first.
Pearl Quantz Flute (665RE) has French Pointed Arms (pointed keys) for unmatched quickness of speed. It is enhanced by a unique wall that gives a dark and rich sound, especially in the low register. Thus, the ability to shape the sound and scale, coupled with a new speed of movement, has shown Pearl’s true homage to Quantz!
The Quantz Series is an homage to the legendary Baroque composer and flutist, Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773), who gave us a rich and renowned abundance of flute compositions.
The spirit of each artisan at Pearl is reflected in the character of these instruments. This Series is highlighted by the aesthetic of the French Pointed Arms (pointed keys) for unmatched quickness of speed. When this is matched with our Pinless Mechanism and One-Piece Core-Bar Construction, the combinations are dramatic.
This may be the best bargain in history – all the features of the 665, in a more economical package. The 665 has a Sterling Silver Headjoint, with Silver Clad Body, Footjoint, and Keys.


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