Buffet E11 Eb klarinet

Eb Clarinet

In order to make the most of the tone of the entire range of clarinets in concert orchestras, composers are increasingly turning to the clarinet in Eb. Buffet Crampon has developed a student model of a clarinet in Eb in grenadilla wood. Its bore facilitates its ease of response, and this instrument, known as a specialized instrument, is becoming accessible to all musicians.
Price includes a hard case.

NB! Billedet passer ikke til instrumentet, det er en Bb klarinet.

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  • Key : Eb
  • Pitch : 442 Hz
  • Body : stained African blackwood, treated and lacquered for optimal protection
  • Barel : 42,2 mm
  • Keys : 17
  • Rings : 6 métal
  • Thumb rest : adjustable
  • Keywork finish : silver plated
  • Springs : blue steel for ease and accuracy of key movement
  • Pads : double fish skin


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