Blayman Instrument kegle

These stands are practically indestructible. The patented Blayman Vent-Peg allows air to circulate through your instrument while it is safely resting on its steel base. The sturdy 1/2″ thick steel base is virtually impossible to tip over.

Matches the Blayman bases (bases has to be buyed separately)





Where do you put YOUR instrument down?  Introducing “Blayman’s Last Stand”……the last stand you will ever need.  These stands are practically indestructible.  The patented Blayman Vent-Peg ™ allows air to circulate through your instrument while it is safely resting on its steel base.  The sturdy ½” thick steel base is virtually impossible to tip over.
We have pegs designed for the Clarinet, Oboe, English Horn, Flute, Piccolo, Alto Flute, Eb Clarinet, Trumpet, Flugelhorn, and Straight Soprano Saxophone.  In addition, we make 3 different bases to accommodate various combinations of instruments.  Our Bass Clarinet and Bassoon stands are the safest and sturdiest in the business, and are available in a “Doubler” edition, which holds up to 5 instruments.
So do as the leading artists in the major symphonies do.  Avoid breakage, repair expense, and lost time by using a Blayman Stand.


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